Navigation Use the navigation bar at the bottom of the screen to find your way around. To move to the next page, click on the right arrow. To go back to the page before, click on the left arrow. If you want to jump to any of the pages in the story, click on the contents button at the bottom of the screen. This will take you to the contents page where you can choose which page of the story you want to read. If you are in "Read by Myself" mode and want to hear the page read again, click on the Hummingbird icon. If you are in "Read by Myself" mode and you want to know the definition of some of the words, click on the words that are written in red. If you want to change your reading level or reading mode at any time, click on the options button. This will take you back to the options menu. If you want to print a page, click on the print button. If you want to leave the story at any time, click on the quit button. If you want to access the stationery section, click on the stationery button.